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CSS and Styling

Fluid UI is built with Tailwind, shadcn/ui and Radix.

When working with components, you should follow the shadcn/ui convention and CSS variables.

Each component inherits CSS variables from the color scheme of it’s parent section.
You can use the CSS variables as follow:

<div className="bg-primary text-primary-foreground">Hello</div>
/* Default background and foreground colors */
/* Muted colors such as <TabsList />, <Skeleton /> and <Switch /> */
/* Card colors */
/* Popover for popovers such as <DropdownMenu />, <HoverCard />, <Popover /> */
/* Default border color */
/* Border color for inputs such as <Input />, <Select />, <Textarea /> */
/* Primary colors for <Button /> */
/* Secondary colors for <Button /> */
/* Used for accents such as hover effects on <DropdownMenuItem>, <SelectItem>...etc */
/* Used for destructive actions such as <Button variant="destructive"> */
/* Used for shadows */
/* Used for focus ring */